ARCs now available for DEAD SOUND!

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Attention, thriller lovers and romantic suspense fans: Free Advance Review Copies (ARCs) of my upcoming novel DEAD SOUND are now available!

What are Advance Review Copies (ARCs)?

ARCs are free copies of books (e-books, in this case) provided by publishers before the book releases to readers who are interested in posting reviews. My publisher is making ARCs available through BookFunnel, which allows you to download the e-ARC in a variety of formats.

Sounds awesome! How do I request an ARC?

Email me at anise @ aniseeden .com (without the spaces), and I'll send you all the details!

Interested? Here's a quick excerpt to get you started:


“Oh come on.” I threw my hands up. “You’re the one who’s always saying I do nothing but work. You know how boring my life is. You can’t deny me this.”“‘Boring’ is not the word I would use.”

Breakup. Stabbing. Patient mob. I had to concede he had a point. “Okay, but this would be a fun adventure, instead of… you know, the other kind. Come on, Con.”

I felt a little guilty when I saw how much my pleading tone affected him. I was about to relent when he spoke.

“All right, fine. I know someone. If you like, I’ll ask if he’ll meet you. I can’t make any promises, though.”

“Thank you.” I tried not to bounce in my chair. Not only were we going to unlock the secret to Amos’s files, but I also might get to meet one of the shadowy antiheroes of the Information Age.

What if I just want to learn more about DEAD SOUND?

You can visit my website here:

Thanks so much for reading!


Now on NetGalley: DEAD SOUND!


Cover Reveal! DEAD SOUND